Sports & Human Rights in Korea: Age of Violence towards Victory 대한민국의 스포츠와 인권: 승리를 향한 폭력의 시대
55(6) 1-9, 2016
Sports & Human Rights in Korea: Age of Violence towards Victory 대한민국의 스포츠와 인권: 승리를 향한 폭력의 시대
Our sports world, in a considerable part, has failed to properly perceive violence, and has internalized violence. In the hidden side of such internalization, there has lain the perception of being invested with an indulgence on the strength of dignified authority effect like gains through national prestige enhancement, or victory in sporting events. Now is the time for our sports world to deeply think about on what grounds they can insist on such a spirit of the times, while being faced with the task of moving into the ‘era of perceiving violence’claiming to stand for ‘The entire thing was nothing more than violence’, in a bid to break off the era which was stained with politics of violence for propaganda. Hereupon, this study expresses criticism of the hitherto researches, which have considered the problems of direct violations of human rights at the scene of sports to be a dichotomous situation like a conflict between ‘procedures and results’ for athletic performance improvement, and of the hitherto discussions which have diagnosed sports violence simply as a kind of side effects. Also, at this point, this study proposes what new spirit of the times, of which we can make a generalization, in order to provide practical knowledge through academic progress and human rights activity. It’s because this study is intending to write more human-rights-friendly sports culture by revealing the mechanism, which has justified violence such as an abuse of, or infringement on human rights at the scene of sports, is not attributable to a structural problems of sports caused by kind of the cultural lag, but attributable to our consciousness which has acknowledged violence, and has been rather aggressive in internalizing the violence.
Key Words
sport, human rights, violence, sexual violence, sport culture, discrimination
Problems and Solutions on the Commodification of Sport 스포츠상품화의 문제점과 해결방안
55(6) 11-21, 2016
Problems and Solutions on the Commodification of Sport 스포츠상품화의 문제점과 해결방안
The goal of this study is to investigate the problems of the commodification of sport-professional sport in particular-in order to suggest the ways of undermining capitalist logics without shutting down the market. First, core questions following the commodification of sport will be examined, based on the analysis of the capital and the market, exchange value, and the notion of commodification. I hope to offer why the commodification of sport is harmful, especially when sport is considered to be little more than a means of producing profits, and when athletes are viewed only through the lens of exchange value, rather than aesthetic and technical values. Second, this article suggests some strategies for keeping sport values intact from the commodification of sport by looking at prior research. If sport is to hold its place as a valuable practice in which such ideals as mutual quest for excellence, participation (comprising the good in itself), and fair play are achieved, sport must be able to resist commercialism today and pursue sport values, not market values.
Key Words
commodification of sport, capitalism, market values, sport values
The Casual Relation between Perceived Enjoyment and Behavioral Intention of Elementary School Student’s Taekwondo Training: The Moderator Effect of Interpersonal Constraints 초등학생 태권도 수련의 지각된 재미와 행동의도 간의 인과 관계: 대인적 여가제약 조절효과 중심으로
윤지호YoonJi-ho , 신석민ShinSeok-min , 이혁기LeeHyuck-gi
55(6) 23-35, 2016
The Casual Relation between Perceived Enjoyment and Behavioral Intention of Elementary School Student’s Taekwondo Training: The Moderator Effect of Interpersonal Constraints 초등학생 태권도 수련의 지각된 재미와 행동의도 간의 인과 관계: 대인적 여가제약 조절효과 중심으로
윤지호YoonJi-ho , 신석민ShinSeok-min , 이혁기LeeHyuck-gi
The purpose of this study was to examine the casual model between perceived enjoyment and behavioral Intention of elementary school student’s taekwondo training. This study further examined whether the causal relationship was moderated by interpersonal constraints. To examine the model, 329 questionnaires were collected from third to sixth grade elementary students participating in taekwondo classes in A city. The sample were selected, using the non-probability sampling method as a convenience sampling approach, and using AMOS 18.0, multiple group analysis was conducted. Results showed that the perceived enjoyment positively influenced the behavioral intention, and this relationship was positively moderated by interpersonal constraints. These findings indicate that the perceived enjoyment plays an important role in enhancing the behavior intention, and this relationship can be stronger when elementary students experience higher levels of interpersonal constraints.
Deconstruction of ‘Discourse of a Rosy Future’ involving marine sports: Focusing on media discourse from 1990 to 2016 해양스포츠를 둘러싼 ‘장밋빛 미래 담론’의 해체: 1990년~2016년 미디어 담론을 중심으로
장승현JangSeung-hyun , 오세복OhSea-bock
55(6) 37-51, 2016
Deconstruction of ‘Discourse of a Rosy Future’ involving marine sports: Focusing on media discourse from 1990 to 2016 해양스포츠를 둘러싼 ‘장밋빛 미래 담론’의 해체: 1990년~2016년 미디어 담론을 중심으로
장승현JangSeung-hyun , 오세복OhSea-bock
By deconstructing a rosy future discourse of marine sports, this study was aimed to figure out strategies of power which exists inside of the discourse and to examine how the discourse strategies can judge the reality and how the reality can be structuralized into the discourse strategies on the other hand. As the results of this study, the rosy future discourse started in the early 1990’s and stayed as just introduction and guide of some sports events at first. It was disclosed that present ‘rosy future discourse of marine sports’was created by a shift from municipal tourism development movement to whole governmental movement. In addition, the rosy future discourses mostly follow common persuading structures. They are largely classified as first, ‘hopeful future and plan presentation’, second, ‘employment effect, added value, and expectation for enhancement of life quality’, and third, ‘authoritative figures’promise for the rosy future’. Rhetoric for the rosy future discourses are first, ‘formation of discourses for global city development’, second, ‘application of marine sports as entrepreneurial city strategy’, and third, ‘application of nationalism and regionalism’. In conclusion, a mixture of various discourses including globalization was found from the rosy future discourse. It was confirmed that what ranked at the lowest place of those discourses and text and had the most dominating influence was no more than Neoliberal logic.
Key Words
discourse, media discourse, marine sports, rosy future discourse of marine sports
A study on the training experiences of Ashtanga Yoga Leaders : Characteristics of Ashtanga Yoga training and reasons for attraction 아쉬탕가 요가 지도자들의 수련 경험에 관한 연구 : 아쉬탕가 요가 수련의 특징과 매료의 이유
김예리KimYee-ri , 배재윤BaeJae-yoon , 원영신WonYoung-shin
55(6) 53-65, 2016
A study on the training experiences of Ashtanga Yoga Leaders : Characteristics of Ashtanga Yoga training and reasons for attraction 아쉬탕가 요가 지도자들의 수련 경험에 관한 연구 : 아쉬탕가 요가 수련의 특징과 매료의 이유
김예리KimYee-ri , 배재윤BaeJae-yoon , 원영신WonYoung-shin
This study explores Ashtanga Yoga Leaders' training experience about the characteristics and the reason why they are fascinated by Ashtanga Yoga. 10 participants who are training Ashtanga Yoga participate in the research and the study examines their experience. The researcher collects in-depth interview with participants, observation in training center and reviews on the data to attain the purpose of this study. After transcript of in-depth interview, the materials for the study is analyzed through encoding and categorization(Colaizzi, 1978). The following is the result of this study. First, the characteristics of Ashtanga Yoga Leaders' training experiences are 'daily practice', 'influence on guidance of daily training', 'change to vegetarian meals', 'moving meditation', 'training done together’ and ‘Mysore magic'. Second, the reasons why Leaders are fascinated by Ashtanga Yoga are 'the scientific sequence', 'the practice on mat meaning someone's life', 'the healing effect and respect for the teacher'. A meaning of this study is that we examine the unique disciplines and culture of Ashtanga Yoga through training experience of Ashtanga Yoga Leaders.
Key Words
Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Yoga Leader, Training Experience
An Exploration about Social Networking Process of Retired Athletes 은퇴선수들의 사회적 네트워크 형성과정에 관한 탐색
김소라KimSoRa , 이정래LeeJungRae
55(6) 67-83, 2016
An Exploration about Social Networking Process of Retired Athletes 은퇴선수들의 사회적 네트워크 형성과정에 관한 탐색
김소라KimSoRa , 이정래LeeJungRae
The purpose of this research was to find out what difficulties retired athletes are going through in a new environment and how they overcome them. To accomplish the purpose, phenomenological study, one of the qualitative research methods, was chosen. Snowball sampling, one of the nonprobability sampling methods, was used to select the subjects. Nine athletes with at least 3 years of social life after retirement from either professional team or business team participated in this study. Data were gathered through in-depth interviews and collection of related information, upon which text analysis was based. And the results are as follows. It turned out that difficulties they had forming social networks after retirement were absence of things to share, ambivalent barriers as an athlete, lack of opportunity to form relationships and relationships biased toward the old. Meanwhile, it turned out they overcame the difficulties in forming social networks by finding the common interests, filling the hole, relating to others through clubs and getting along in isolation.
Key Words
retired athlete, social network, social networking process, social capital
A Study of Integration Process of the Local Community Sports Council 지역체육단체 통합과정에 관한 연구
김민KimMin , 서희진SeoHee-jin
55(6) 85-99, 2016
A Study of Integration Process of the Local Community Sports Council 지역체육단체 통합과정에 관한 연구
김민KimMin , 서희진SeoHee-jin
The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of integration process of local sports organization. It is aimed at establishing the advanced sports systems effectively in the region that is operated by integrating the elite sports and recreational sports all after analyzing the integrative process in the organizational-cultural, management-process, and structure-functional aspects. In order to achieve this goal, applied to the case study method and the research participants selected for belonging to the autonomously integrated 3 regions by purposeful sampling method. The data was collected via in-depth interview, and the data was complemented by using the document information about the integration of local sports organizations and the local media. The drawn result through this process is as follows. Firstly, the organizational culture factors were drawn as ‘maintaining the characteristics of organization’and ‘government directed culture’. Secondly, the management process factors were drawn as ‘readership’, ‘external management process’ and ‘internal management process’. Thirdly, the structural function factor were drawn as ‘integration of structural dimension’ and ‘integration of functional dimension’. In conclusion, the local sports organization should be endeavor for rational integration based on the results derived from each aspects for successful integration.
Key Words
local sports organization, organization integrate process, post mercer, sports governance
A Case Study of Participants in Marine leisure sports Camp as a Liberal Physical Education Class 교양체육수업 해양스포츠캠프 참여자의 체험 사례 연구
최미영ChoiMi-young , 정문현JungMoon-hyun
55(6) 101-110, 2016
A Case Study of Participants in Marine leisure sports Camp as a Liberal Physical Education Class 교양체육수업 해양스포츠캠프 참여자의 체험 사례 연구
최미영ChoiMi-young , 정문현JungMoon-hyun
This study aimed to accept the process of physical activities of participants in marine leisure sports camp as a liberal physical education class and its meaning and, moreover, understand its value. For this research, 10 participants in total from C university located in D city in marine leisure sports camp as a liberal physical education class were selected for the purposeful sampling. The data was collected by a in-depth interview, participant observation and descriptive note by data analysis provided by Yin(2003) and following are the results from the investigation. First, marine leisure sports camp participants become ability consolidation. Second, confirmed relieve stress. Third, marine leisure sports camp participants helpd tenacity. The paper proposes a direction for the development of new programs and liveral physical educations which can enhanced positive interest in marine leisure sports camp improving the quality of life of participants in liberal physical education class as a liberal education.
Key Words
Liberal physical education class, Marine leisure sports camp, Case study
Effects of sport participation and Social Capital in School on School Violence Behaviors of Youth 청소년의 스포츠참여와 학교사회자본이 학교폭력 행동에 미치는 영향
55(6) 111-120, 2016
Effects of sport participation and Social Capital in School on School Violence Behaviors of Youth 청소년의 스포츠참여와 학교사회자본이 학교폭력 행동에 미치는 영향
This study was conducted to examine effects of sport participation and social capital in school of youth on their school violence behaviors. In order to achieve goals of this study, data were collected 7,048 of middle school students from Korean Children & Youth panel Survey, were analyzed exploratory factor analysis and binary logistic regression by SPSS version 23.0 Program. The conclusions were as follows; first, youths who were higher grade, male students, and have good relationship with friends intend to more bully other youths such as verbal violence, physical violence, extortion, etc., whereas youths who were actively to participate in sports, keep more school regulations well, and have higher learning actions intend to less bully other youths. Second, youths who have good relationship with friends, and have higher learning actions were less victimized by other youths, whereas more good relationship with teachers were more victimized by others.
Key Words
youth, school violence behavior, social capital in school, sport participation
The Positioning by Brand image of Sports Channels 스포츠 전문채널 브랜드 이미지에 따른 포지셔닝 분석 연구
This study aimed to identify what choice attributes of sports channels estimate the sports channels which is recognized as the same quality. Data were collected at four channels(mbc sports, sbs sports, kbsn sports, spotv) from university students. The 350 questionnaires were distributed in 3 region university students and a total 304 questionnaires out of 350 were used ofr this study, except 46 unfaithful responses. The contents of questionnaire were included in such four choice attributed brand image as 'favorability', 'distinctiveness', 'initiative' and 'responsibility' which were considered relatively important by authors. The collected data were analyzed by PROXSCAL technique, one method of the MDS, and Multiple Regression. As a result of this study, the highest competitive relationship among resorts showed MBC Sports+ and KBN Sports and the lowest showed SBS Sports and KBSN Sports. Concerning choice attribute of sports channels, SBS Sports, MBC Sports, SPOTV, KBSN Sports order positioning in the favorability. SBS Sports, SPOTV, MBC Sports, KBSN Sports order positioning in the distinctiveness, initiative and responsibility.
Key Words
sports channels, positioning, brand image
The effect of female highschool student cultural capital on the involvement intention physical education and appearance management behavior 여고생의 문화자본이 체육참여인식과 외모관리행동에 미치는 영향
하희문HaHee-moon , 김상훈KimSangHoon , 노재헌RohJae-hun
55(6) 133-144, 2016
The effect of female highschool student cultural capital on the involvement intention physical education and appearance management behavior 여고생의 문화자본이 체육참여인식과 외모관리행동에 미치는 영향
하희문HaHee-moon , 김상훈KimSangHoon , 노재헌RohJae-hun
This study is to examine how the female highschool student cultural capital on the involvement intention physical education and appearance management behavior. The subject for this study are 466 students located in the Seoul province.The results of this study can be acquired as fllows. First after researching how refinement is related to the continuous intention of physical education, it is shown that one's own cultural capital and one's parents' physical educational cultural capital and objective social norm all effects on the involvement of the physical education. Second, this study suggests that one's parents' physical educational cultural capital is closely related to one's weight management skill, and one's own watching sports is related to make up pattern, and one's parents' physical educational cultural capital and one's own watching sports is relevant to hair care, but not to facial care. Third, this study suggests that involvement of the physical education is closely related to skin care and one's weight management skill, hair care.
Key Words
female highschool student, cultural capital, continous intention, appearance management behavior
The Influence of 6 Weeks Reactive Neuromuscular Training(RNT) on Hand Grenade Throw Performance and Qualitative Motion Analysis 6주간의 반응 신경계 훈련(RNT)이 수류탄 던지기 수행 능력과 질적 동작 평가에 미치는 영향
The Influence of 6 Weeks Reactive Neuromuscular Training(RNT) on Hand Grenade Throw Performance and Qualitative Motion Analysis 6주간의 반응 신경계 훈련(RNT)이 수류탄 던지기 수행 능력과 질적 동작 평가에 미치는 영향
The purpose of study is to examine the effects of RNT training on hand grenade throw. The participants(N=24) was low-scored subjects on hand grenade throw and divided into three groups; RNT(n=8), minimum inertia(n=8), control(n=8). The training period was 6 weeks. Hand grenade throw was executed to examine the accuracy(standing throw 35m, kneeling throw 20m, lying throw 20m) and throwing distance(standing throw max). Additionally, qualitative analysis of the throwing movement and muscle strength test were used for further interpretation. The results of RNT group on the standing throw(35m, max) and lying throw(20m) were statistically significant compared to the control group. Additionally, the scores of RNT group on the throwing movement, Forearm action, and trunk action were improved significantly, and the result showed significant relationship between quality of the movements and the ability of hand grenade throw. However, there was no signifiant difference in grip and back strength. RNT training using inertia overloading is a new way on the exercise technique practice, accordingly this study would give more anticipations for specific training methods to variety sports.
Key Words
RNT, hand grenade throw
Life Skills Gained from Participating in Tennis 테니스를 통해 배운 삶의 기술
최기훈ChoiKiHoon , 류태호RyuTaeHo , 정용철ChungYongchul
55(6) 157-168, 2016
Life Skills Gained from Participating in Tennis 테니스를 통해 배운 삶의 기술
최기훈ChoiKiHoon , 류태호RyuTaeHo , 정용철ChungYongchul
The purpose of this study was to explore life skills gained from participating in tennis. A total of ten tennis coaches and players were recruited for the study. Semi-structured interviews were conducted and all collected data were transcribed verbatim. A series of peer debriefing with 1 sport psychology professor, 1 sport pedagogy professor as well as a former tennis player was conducted for the triangulation process. One hundred and ninety one raw data were identified and conceptualized into 3 factors; physical, psychological, and social skills. The psychological skills included, setting goals, diligence, ability to control pressure confidence, and strategic planning. Both elite and non elite athletes reported that they needed psychological training. Skills in social aspect were ability to maintain personal relationship, leadership, manner, harmony with pleasure. While elite athletes emphasized clear relationship between subordinates and superiors, non elite athletes would create pleasant atmosphere among fellow players. Further future research suggestions were presented.
Key Words
tennis, life skills, positive youth development
Passion for Exercise and Exercise Dependence in Taekwondo Athletes: The Mediating Role of Self-Determined Motivation 태권도 선수의 운동 열정과 운동의존성 간의 관계: 자기조절 동기의 매개효과 검증
오영택Young-taekOh , 양명환Myung-hwanYang
55(6) 169-184, 2016
Passion for Exercise and Exercise Dependence in Taekwondo Athletes: The Mediating Role of Self-Determined Motivation 태권도 선수의 운동 열정과 운동의존성 간의 관계: 자기조절 동기의 매개효과 검증
오영택Young-taekOh , 양명환Myung-hwanYang
The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between forms of passion and exercise dependence, and whether these relationships are mediated by self-determined motivation. In turn, the relationships between different forms of passion and dimension of exercise dependence would be mediated by self-determined motivation. Participants were 320 Taekwondo athletes who participated in 2015 national outstanding players for championship in Korea. Major findings were as follows. First, harmonious passion was positively related to the exercise dependence dimensions of time, withdrawal, intention effects, whereas obsessive passion was positively related to all seven exercise dependence dimensions: time, tolerance, withdrawal, continuance, intention effects, lack of control and reduction in other activities. Second, harmonious passion was positively related to autonomous motivation, and was negatively related to controlled motivation. Obsessive passion had a significant positive effect on both autonomous motivation and controlled motivation. Third, harmonious passion had a significant positive indirect effect on lack of control, reduction in other activities, time, tolerance via autonomous motivation, but it had a significant negative indirect effect on intention effects, lack of control, withdrawal, continuance via controlled motivation. On the other hand, obsessive passion had a significant positive indirect effect on intention effects, lack of control, reduction in other activities, tolerance and time via autonomous motivation, and it had a significant positive indirect effect on all of exercise dependence dimensions except tolerance dimension.
The Effects of Perceived performance by Coach-Athlete Interaction on University Taekwondo Poomsae Players 대학 태권도 품새 선수들의 지도자 선수 상호작용이 인지된 경기력에 미치는 영향
노충균NohChung-gyun , 장세용JangSeyong
55(6) 185-194, 2016
The Effects of Perceived performance by Coach-Athlete Interaction on University Taekwondo Poomsae Players 대학 태권도 품새 선수들의 지도자 선수 상호작용이 인지된 경기력에 미치는 영향
노충균NohChung-gyun , 장세용JangSeyong
This study aims to verify the effect of university taekwondo poomsae players’ coach-player interaction on athletic performance, and provide preliminary data helpful to improvement of taekwondo poomsae players’ athletic performance by verifying regulation effect according to the gender regarding the aforementioned relation. To achieve the foregoing objectives, this study selected 259university poomsae players in Seoul, Gyeonggi, Incheon and Chungcheongnam-do who completed player registration to the Korea Taekwondo Association as of 2016 through a purposive sampling of non probability sampling method, and conducted a survey. Then, this study selected data from 253 respondents and continued research after excepting non-response and data from 6 respondents that are considered unfaithful. After that, this study analyzed collected data using PASW 18.0 version program and AMOS 18.0 version program, and statistical methods conducted include frequency analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis, structural equation model analysis, measurement invariance verification, multi group structure equation analysis and specific reaction parameter comparative an anlysis. After going through the foregoing processes, this study arrived at the following conclusions. First, coach-player interaction in university taekwondo poomsae turned out to have a positive effect on players’perceived athletic performance. Second, coach-player interaction in university taekwondo poomsae had a regulation effect on perceived athletic performance according to the gender, and to put it concretely, coach-player interaction exerted a positive effect on male players’perceived athletic performance, whereas it had no positive effect on female players’perceived athletic performance.
Purpose: Heart rate variability (HRV) is a variable to measure stability of autonomic nerve system, which has been recently received attention as a tool to evaluate athletes’ psycho-physiological stress and anxiety, and biofeedback training. This study was to review research and publication on HRV, and to suggest an application to psychological program for performance enhancement. Methods: We used key words (heart rate variability, biofeedback, athletic performance, etc.) to search publications among major peer-reviewed journals. Results: We reviewed a total of 17 publications. The studies using HRV for stress, anxiety, and a biofeedback training of athletes were carefully reviewed. Conclusion: This review article suggest content validity of HRV as a tool to measure psycho-physiological arousal and anxiety, and a biofeedback training for performance enhancement.
Key Words
Performance Enhancement, Heart Rate Variability, Autonomic Nerve System
The Relationship Among the Teaching Behavior, Expectancy-Value and Formation of Relationship of Secondly Physical Education Classes 중학교 체육수업에서 지각된 교수행동과 기대-가치 및 관계형성의 관계
55(6) 207-216, 2016
The Relationship Among the Teaching Behavior, Expectancy-Value and Formation of Relationship of Secondly Physical Education Classes 중학교 체육수업에서 지각된 교수행동과 기대-가치 및 관계형성의 관계
This study examined the analysis of the relationship among the teaching behavior, expectancy-value and formation of relationship of secondly physical education classes. The number of the surveyed for this study was 379 who participated in the secondly physical education classes. The reliability and validity test of the questionnaire itself was conducted by using SPSS & AMOS Window 19.0 program; the results of descriptive statistical analysis, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, analysis structural equation modeling are as follows; The results were as being follows. First, the teaching behavior is partially influences on the expectancy-value of secondly physical education classes. Second, the teaching behavior is partially influences on the formation of relationship of secondly physical education classes. Third, the expectancy-value is partially influences on the formation of relationship of secondly physical education classes. Lastly there is a causal relationship between the teaching behavior, expectancy-value and formation of relationship of secondly physical education classes. To identify the relationship between the teaching behavior and motivation of the students' cognitive learning tendencies found to have significance.
Key Words
teaching behavior, expectancy-value, formation of relationship
A Study on the Oral Life History of the Sports Administrator Jang Chung-Sik 스포츠 행정가, ‘장충식’의 삶에 관한 구술 생애사
55(6) 217-228, 2016
A Study on the Oral Life History of the Sports Administrator Jang Chung-Sik 스포츠 행정가, ‘장충식’의 삶에 관한 구술 생애사
The purpose of this study was to explore the life of Jang Chung-sik, a sports administrator, and discuss how his life was reflected in sports, based on the relevant oral life history. The data were collected through in-depth interviews about his personal life, and analyzed by using domain analysis and taxonomic analysis proposed by Spradley(1979).To ensure truthfulness of the data, peer review and discussion and multi-angle analysis were performed. The result of the study on life of the sports administrator Jang Chung-sik can be summarized as: his footprint in development of university sports, activation of sports exchange between South Korea and North Korea, and support for the ’88 Seoul Olympics. Specifically, his footprint in development of university sports included fostering diverse sports and setting up a sport scholarship through a foundation, and, for activation of sport exchange between South Korea and North Korea, forming a united Korean team and improving the South-North Korean relationship through exchange in the private sectors were categorized. Based on his conviction and philosophy, Jang Chung-sik formed the foundation to activate sports in South Korea and sports exchange between South Korea and North Korea.
Key Words
oral life history, 88 Seoul Olympics, South Korea and sports exchange
The Relationship among Social Competence, Need for Peer Approval and Mattering of Elementary Students in Sports Activity Participating 스포츠 활동 참여 초등학생의 사회적 유능성과 또래인정욕구 및 또래존재감의 관계
신대철ShinDae-chul , 조건상ChoGun-sang
55(6) 229-238, 2016
The Relationship among Social Competence, Need for Peer Approval and Mattering of Elementary Students in Sports Activity Participating 스포츠 활동 참여 초등학생의 사회적 유능성과 또래인정욕구 및 또래존재감의 관계
신대철ShinDae-chul , 조건상ChoGun-sang
This study examines the relationship among social competence, need for peer approval and mattering of elementary students in sports activity. The number of subjects for this study were 474 who were elementary Students on the sports activity participating in Gyeonggi-do. The reliability and validity test of the questionnaire and descriptive analysis, factor analysis, correlation were conducted by using SPSS 20.0 and structural equation model was conducted by using AMOS 20.0 program. The results are as follows; First, there is a causal effect of physical competence, mattering, school life adjustments of elementary student’s participating in physical activity after school. Second, the relationship among physical competence, mattering, school life adjustments of elementary student’s participating in physical activity after school shows complete mediation. Third, there is the mediation partial effect of need for peer approval on the relationship between physical competence and school life adjustments of elementary student’s participating in sports activity, and there is a causal relationship.
Key Words
social competence, need for peer approval, mattering, school life adjustments, sports activity, elementary student
A Narrative Inquiry on the Improvement Process for Monday Morning Schoolyard Assembly with a Middle School Physical Education Teacher 중학교 체육교사의 월요 운동장 조회 개선 과정에 관한 내러티브 탐구
이의재LeeEuijae , 윤현수YounHyunsu
55(6) 239-250, 2016
A Narrative Inquiry on the Improvement Process for Monday Morning Schoolyard Assembly with a Middle School Physical Education Teacher 중학교 체육교사의 월요 운동장 조회 개선 과정에 관한 내러티브 탐구
이의재LeeEuijae , 윤현수YounHyunsu
The purpose of this study is to describe a middle school PE teacher's the improvement process for Monday morning schoolyard assembly, and also to research its educational meaning. Using purposeful sampling, a teacher 'Kim, Sarang' in charge of Monday morning schoolyard assembly in 'Jeil' Middle School in ‘S’city was selected as a research participant. Unstructured interviews were conducted five times with the participant, manager, school guidance instructor, and a student of 'Jeil' Middle School was also interviewed once or twice. It also collected relevant data like documents related to the schoolyard morning assembly, school affair journals, and notes. The participant performed the schoolyard morning assembly for two years including the start/operation of the schoolyard morning assembly and the whole/partial(each grade) operation. In the process, the purpose of its operation changed the image of colonial education to one of 'safety' and 'health'. Also, the previous operating method of schoolyard morning assembly using fear, power, and authority was adapted to we emotional concepts such as 'unfamiliarity' and 'place-making'.
Key Words
Monday morning schoolyard assembly, physical Education Teachers, Narrative inquiry, safety and health, unfamiliarity` and place-making
An Investigation of the Impacts and Factors Influencing Elementary Teachers’ Participation in a Physical Education Teacher Learning Community 초등교사의 체육 교사학습공동체 참여 효과와 영향 요인 탐색
조기희JoKi-hee , 이옥선LeeOk-seon
55(6) 251-263, 2016
An Investigation of the Impacts and Factors Influencing Elementary Teachers’ Participation in a Physical Education Teacher Learning Community 초등교사의 체육 교사학습공동체 참여 효과와 영향 요인 탐색
조기희JoKi-hee , 이옥선LeeOk-seon
The purpose of this study was to investigate the impacts and factors that influence elementary teachers’ participation in a physical education teacher learning community (TLC). A qualitative case study was used to examine the TLC which was based on Feiman-Nemser’s(2008) learning to teach framework from for one year. Participants were 25 teachers and 24 students. Data were collected from pre- and post- interviews, observation of TLC workshop and PE classes, local document, and field notes. Data were analyzed by inductive thematic analysis. Findings are as follows: First, the TLC played a significant role in developing physical education teacher professionalism in terms of: (1) expansion and production of knowledge, (2) promoting teaching competency, (3) rising passion and love, (4) deepening teacher reflection. Second, there were four important factors that influenced TLC participation: : (1) environmental factors such as time and space contexts, (2) motivation factors such as learning, a sense of belonging, and sharing, (3) facilitating factors such as the role of leader, accountability of the members, and influx of new members, and (4) program factors such as emotional bonds, voluntary sharing, smooth communication, common practice, and continuous stimuli.
Key Words
continuing professional development, physical education professionalism, teacher learning community, teacher education program
A Case Study on Development of Competency Based Contents Structure of Dance Curriculum for Elementary and Secondary Education in Korea 역량기반 초중등 무용교육과정 내용체계 개발 사례
이윤경LeeYoonkyung , 조미혜ChoMihye
55(6) 265-295, 2016
A Case Study on Development of Competency Based Contents Structure of Dance Curriculum for Elementary and Secondary Education in Korea 역량기반 초중등 무용교육과정 내용체계 개발 사례
이윤경LeeYoonkyung , 조미혜ChoMihye
The purpose of this study was to develop the competency based contents structure of dance curriculum for elementary and secondary education in Korea. For the purpose, this study researched the national curriculum of physical education for the first national curriculum to the 2015 revised edition and previous studies. In-depth interview and experts meeting were done to dance education scholars, dance teachers, experts of curriculum, and dance education contents categories(movement education, folk dance, art of dance, practical dance, creative dance). The dance contents structure were developed by hierarchic and affiliation of the development steps on curriculum and contents structure. Firstly, The dance competency and elements were selected and structured with contents elements by grade system of school. Secondly, the affiliation of contents elements was done by dance contents category, and detailed contents were drawn. The contents structure of dance education was supplemented by the experts. In the last analysis, the all of dance contents categories are important to educate learners systematically.
An Exploration on Teaching Competencies in Practice Professors of Athletics Major 육상 전공실기 교수의 교수역량 탐색
윤찬수YoonChan-soo , 이용국LeeYong-kuk
55(6) 297-311, 2016
An Exploration on Teaching Competencies in Practice Professors of Athletics Major 육상 전공실기 교수의 교수역량 탐색
윤찬수YoonChan-soo , 이용국LeeYong-kuk
The purpose of this study is to holistically analyze constituting factors of teaching competency in practice professors of athletics major. For this purpose, this study conducted a qualitative study on 4 practice professors of athletics major with excellent athletics careers and teaching experiences. In-depth interview was conducted from January through July 2015 and semi-structured interview and structured interview were conducted as interview methods. Spradley’s (1980) domain analysis and classification analysis were performed on the data collected through in-depth interviews and document materials. In addition, veracity and ethicality of the study were verified in the process of data collection and analysis. The results of analysis and interpretation of the data in this study are as follows; first, factors which constitute theoretical teaching competency of practice professors of athletics major for effective operation of courses were professional knowledge on courses, understanding on learners and learning environment, teaching strategy and design of courses and assessment methods for the courses. Second, factors which constitute practical teaching competency of practice professors of athletics major for effective operation of courses were design of courses, communication and interaction, teaching facility and environment, passion for teaching and belief.
Key Words
Athletics, Practice professors of major courses, Teaching competencies
Exploring Directions and Visions to Design School Physical Education for Future Society 미래사회를 대비한 학교체육 디자인 방향 및 비전 탐색
55(6) 313-322, 2016
Exploring Directions and Visions to Design School Physical Education for Future Society 미래사회를 대비한 학교체육 디자인 방향 및 비전 탐색
Recently, lots of scholarly activity to prepare future society has been conducted in all areas or disciplines. There is no exception in physical education and sports for preparing and planning rapid changes in future society. However, little attention on scholarly activity is relatively given to school physical education. In a sense, this paper has attempted to suggest an experimental model in futuristic research on school physical education in terms of macro perspective and convergence research. For doing this, the purpose of this paper is to explore directions and visions of school physical education for preparing future society. First, the future environment of school physical education has been analyzed and indicated two things such as software and hardware. Second, the future domain of school physical education has been explored and addressed three extensions in the area of purpose, users, and ecology in school physical education. These three extensions has implied futuristic blueprint of traditional role and range in school physical education. Finally, this paper has designed school physical education vision like brain fitness, body activity, and mind communication.
Key Words
school physical education, educational environment, educational domain, physical education vision, future society
The Mediating Effects of Self-Management in Relationship Between Coach’s Justice and Sport Confidence in Secondary School Athletes 중등학교 선수가 지각한 지도자 공정성과 스포츠자신감의 관계에서 자기관리의 매개효과
남광우NamKwang-woo , 김종식KimJong-shik
55(6) 323-335, 2016
The Mediating Effects of Self-Management in Relationship Between Coach’s Justice and Sport Confidence in Secondary School Athletes 중등학교 선수가 지각한 지도자 공정성과 스포츠자신감의 관계에서 자기관리의 매개효과
남광우NamKwang-woo , 김종식KimJong-shik
The purpose of this study was to identify the mediating effect of self-management in relationship between coach’s justice and sport confidence in secondary school athletes. In order to achieve this purpose, 201 secondary school athletes were selected from registered in Korean Sport Olympic Committee by the convenience sampling method. Frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, correlations analysis and structural equation model analysis were executed using IBM SPSS Statistics v21 and IBM SPSS Amos v21. As the results, the following conclusion was derived. First, it was discovered that the coach’s justice had static influence to the self-management. Second, it showed that the coach’s justice didn`t gave static influence to the sport confidence. Third, it showed that the self-management affect to the sport confidence. Finally, the self-management showed mediated effect partially between coach’s justice and sport confidence.
Key Words
Coach`s justice, self-management, sport confidence
A Study of the Socio-historical Perspective for Physical Education Teacher Education in England, 1960-2010 잉글랜드 체육교사교육에 대한 사회사적 연구, 1960-2010
이계산LeeGyesan , 이창현LeeChanghyun
55(6) 337-348, 2016
A Study of the Socio-historical Perspective for Physical Education Teacher Education in England, 1960-2010 잉글랜드 체육교사교육에 대한 사회사적 연구, 1960-2010
이계산LeeGyesan , 이창현LeeChanghyun
This study examined the changing Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) in England from the 1960 to the present in terms of the socio-historical perspective. The findings show clear consequences of the academicisation and corporatisation. In the perspective of academicisation, first, this course developed from a certificate to degree level. Second, after the initial rise of disciplines (1970s), pedagogical studies (1980s) are now the dominant category. Moreover, there has been a severe reduction of time spent on physical activity experiences for student teachers for this period. In terms of corporatisation, there has been a dramatic increase of tuition fees, a reduction of numbers of staff and students and a demise of education studies and second subjects including a significant reduction in the amounts of hours in this curriculum over time. In conclusion, we confirmed that the academicisation and corporatisation had a strong trend in terms of the socio-historical perspective. This paper proposes that we need to examine other cases to develop a better grasp of these results.
Relationships among Attributes of Social Commerce, Purchase Satisfaction, Trust and Repurchase Intention in Sports Product Purchase 소셜커머스를 통한 스포츠제품의 구매 속성, 만족 및 신뢰, 재구매의도 간의 관계
이성희LeeSung-hee , 홍진배HongJin-bea
55(6) 349-360, 2016
Relationships among Attributes of Social Commerce, Purchase Satisfaction, Trust and Repurchase Intention in Sports Product Purchase 소셜커머스를 통한 스포츠제품의 구매 속성, 만족 및 신뢰, 재구매의도 간의 관계
이성희LeeSung-hee , 홍진배HongJin-bea
This study has as an objective to examine the causal relationships among the attributes of social commerce, purchase satisfaction, trust and repurchase intention in purchasing sport products. As the subject group, this study selected consumers who had purchased sport products through social commerce as research population, and analyzed the data using 275 units of survey. As the method of data processing, this study used SPSS Ver. 23.0 and AMOS 23.0 and conducted frequency analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis and structure equation model analysis to obtain the conclusion as follows. First, purchase attributes of social commerce(reputation, usefulness of information, post-purchase convenience, price, convenience in usage) positively affected consumer’s satisfaction. Second, purchase attributes of social commerce positively affected trust. Third, consumer’s satisfaction with sport products did not affect trust. Fourth, consumer’s satisfaction toward purchase of sport products positively affected their repurchase intention. Fifth, consumer’s trust in sport products on social commerce positively affected their repurchase intention. Based on the results, it is recommended that sport companies utilize social commerce as new sales tool, and social commerce sites actively introduce sport products in their selling products.
Key Words
Social Commerce, Sports Products, Satisfaction, Trust, Repurchase Intention
Winning Rate Improvement of the Korea Professional Baseball teams on Pythagorean method and Record 피타고라스 지수의 추정과 기록을 통한 한국프로야구 구단의 승률향상 방안
배정섭BaeJung-sup , 신선윤ShinSun-yun
55(6) 361-373, 2016
Winning Rate Improvement of the Korea Professional Baseball teams on Pythagorean method and Record 피타고라스 지수의 추정과 기록을 통한 한국프로야구 구단의 승률향상 방안
배정섭BaeJung-sup , 신선윤ShinSun-yun
The winning rate is the most important indicator for running a professional baseball team because it directly affects the spectator. James(1980) suggests that the Pythagorean method is almost identical to the actual winning rate, which is known as a way of helping to establish a team strategy. In this study, it was analyzed what kind of detail difference produced difference between real winning rate and winning rate based on Pythagorean method for 10 years from 2005 to 2014. The purpose of this study is to derive a plan to improve the performance of Korean professional baseball team. The results show that the expected winning rate differs from the actual winning rate by +.062 to -.054. In the process of this result, records of base on balls of the hitter, strikeout of the hitter, base on balls of the pitcher, batting average, sacrifice fly, etc. were found to affect the performance of professional baseball team. Therefore professional baseball teams should improve their batting eye so they can get a base on balls and reduce strikeouts. In the case of a pitcher, it should be instructed to reduce the base on balls by improving the control.
Key Words
Korea professional baseball, Pythagorean method, Record, Winning rate improvement
An Exploratory Study on the Success factors for Effective Licensing and Merchandising: Focusing on the Mega Sports Events 라이센싱 상품화사업 성공요인 도출을 위한 탐색적 연구: 메가스포츠 이벤트를 중심으로
심우택ShimWootaek , 신선윤ShinSun-yun
55(6) 375-391, 2016
An Exploratory Study on the Success factors for Effective Licensing and Merchandising: Focusing on the Mega Sports Events 라이센싱 상품화사업 성공요인 도출을 위한 탐색적 연구: 메가스포츠 이벤트를 중심으로
심우택ShimWootaek , 신선윤ShinSun-yun
The purpose of this study was to identify the success factors for the licensing business in mega sports events, and to establish a successful business strategy. To accomplish the purpose of this study, two rounds of Delphi method on 19 licensing business specialists and In-depth Interview with a senior global licensing expert of the IOC were conducted. As a result of two rounds of Delphi method, the success factors were sorted into 4 categories with 31 specific measures in which the categories were classified as licensor, licensee, common issue, and business environment for the host country. And the result of the In-depth Interview, finding a competent licensee in manufacturing, distribution and promotion is important activity for the successful licensing business. The following are results from the aforementioned analyses. Firstly, the licensor should find a competent licensee and assist them in every aspect. Secondly, the licensee should strengthen their core performance capability, especially on developing design and securing distribution channels. Lastly, an active promotion and marketing strategy should be established for both the mega event and the licensing product.
Key Words
sport event licensing, mega sport event, Licensing and Merchandising
Effects of Sport Corporate’s Eco-Friendly Activity and Corporate Image, Brand Image on Brand Attitude 나이키(NIKE)의 친환경활동과 기업이미지, 브랜드이미지가 브랜드태도에 미치는 영향
안완식AnWan-sik , 허철무HeoChul-moo
55(6) 393-404, 2016
Effects of Sport Corporate’s Eco-Friendly Activity and Corporate Image, Brand Image on Brand Attitude 나이키(NIKE)의 친환경활동과 기업이미지, 브랜드이미지가 브랜드태도에 미치는 영향
안완식AnWan-sik , 허철무HeoChul-moo
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of sport corporate’s eco-friendly activity and corporate image, brand image on brand attitude. Total of 325, college students participated in this study. The results were as follows. First, sport corporate, NIKE’s eco-friendly campaign and eco-friendly manufacturing influenced positively on corporate image. Second, sport corporate, NIKE’s eco-friendly campaign and eco-friendly manufacturing influenced positively on brand image. Third, NIKE’s corporate image influenced positively on brand attitude. Fourth, sport corporate, NIKE’s brand image influenced positively on brand attitude.
Verification on the relation on related benefit, customer trust, related immersion, intention to continue relation of winter sporting goods 동계스포츠 용품의 관계혜택과 고객신뢰, 관계몰입, 관계지속 의도에 대한 관계검증
55(6) 405-416, 2016
Verification on the relation on related benefit, customer trust, related immersion, intention to continue relation of winter sporting goods 동계스포츠 용품의 관계혜택과 고객신뢰, 관계몰입, 관계지속 의도에 대한 관계검증
This study intends to clarify the relation on related benefit, customer trust, related immersion and intention to continue relation of winter sports goods. To attain the objective of study, 419 populations were selected by selecting customers visiting winter sports goods shops out of those using G, H, Y ski course in Gangwon province during 2015~16 ski season and distributing question papers to them. To collect data, convenience sampling method was used and self-administration was used so that respondents could read and answer questions spontaneously. Data was processed by using SPSS 22.0 statistical program and AMOS 22.0 statistical program for verification of structural model. Individual hypothesis was verified after confirming the verification of aptitude of study model and the result is as follows.First, although it is found that subordinate factors of related benefit such as consumerization benefit, social benefit, psychological benefit, economic benefit have affirmative influence on customer trust, Second, customer trust is found to have affirmative influence on related immersion. Third, customer trust is found to have affirmative influence on intention to continue relation. Fourth, related immersion is found to have affirmative influence on intention to continue relation.
Key Words
related benefit, customer trust, related immersion, intention to continue relation
The Consumer Perceived Value in Taekwondo Performance Spectators: Scale Development and Validation 태권도 공연 관람자의 인지된 가치 척도 개발 및 적용
55(6) 417-435, 2016
The Consumer Perceived Value in Taekwondo Performance Spectators: Scale Development and Validation 태권도 공연 관람자의 인지된 가치 척도 개발 및 적용
The purpose of this study was to develop a valid, reliable instrument to measure perceived value for Taekwondo performance spectators. The perceived value scale for Taekwondo performance spectators was developed in eight phases. For the development spectators perceived value scale (1) literature review, (2) preliminary factors and items selected, (3) assessment of the items, (4) pilot test, (5) data sampling, (6) validity of development scale, (7) assess reliability of items and, (8) predictive validity of development items. Based on three processes, a new perceived value of Taekwondo performance spectators scale with six factors(cultural, social, hedonic, aesthetic, moral and utilitarian value) and 19 items were developed. The result of predictive validity of development items: first, cultural, social, aesthetics, moral of perceived value had significantly influence on spectators attitude. Second, social, hedonic, utilitarian of perceived value had significantly influence on spectators satisfaction. Third, cultural, social, aesthetics perceived value had significantly influence on future consumption behavior of spectators.
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of competing values leadership on employees trust and job stress of employees. The participants were composed of 171employees of sports centre. The participants completed competing values leadership scale, employee trust inventory, and job stress inventory. The collected data were analyzed through SPSS 18.0 version and AMOS 21.0 version. This results were as followings. Firstly, innovative researcher role, analytic manager role and mentor role of hands-on executive in sports centre had positive significant effect on employee trust, whereas authoritative director role of hands-on executive had negative significant effect on employee trust. Secondly, innovative researcher role, analytic manager role and mentor role of hands-on executive in sports centre had negative significant effect on employee stress, whereas authoritative director role and mediating broker role of hands-on executive in sports centre had positive significant effect on employee stress. Thirdly, employee trust had no significant effect on employee stress of sports centre.
The Structural Relationship among Participant Motivation in fitness class, Experiential Factors, Brand Identification and Purchase Intention 피트니스 클래스(Fitness Class) 내에서의 참여동기와 체험요인, 브랜드동일시, 구매의도간의 구조적 관계
윤성원YoonSeongWon , 박주호ParkJuHo , 조광민ChoKwangMin
55(6) 447-461, 2016
The Structural Relationship among Participant Motivation in fitness class, Experiential Factors, Brand Identification and Purchase Intention 피트니스 클래스(Fitness Class) 내에서의 참여동기와 체험요인, 브랜드동일시, 구매의도간의 구조적 관계
윤성원YoonSeongWon , 박주호ParkJuHo , 조광민ChoKwangMin
The purpose of this study was to verify the multiple mediating effects of experiential factors and brand identification on the relationship between participant motivation and purchase intention in fitness class. A survey was conducted through convenient sampling method aimed at female customers of fitness class located in Seoul. A total 233 data were analyzed through frequency analysis, reliability analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis, and structural equation modeling techniques using SPSS 21.0 and AMOS 20.0. The results were as follows. First, participant motivation in fitness class had a positive influence on experiential factors. Second, participant motivation in fitness class had a positive effect on brand identification. Third, experiential factors had a positive influence on purchase intention. Fourth, brand identification had a positive effect on purchase intention. Fifth, participant motivation in fitness class did not have a significant influence on purchase intention. Sixth, both experiential factors and brand identification worked as multi mediated factors between participant motivation in fitness class and purchase intention.
A Study on the Business Strategy of Korean Professional Baseball Team Using Financial Statements: Focused on the Seoul Heroes 국내 프로야구단의 재무제표 분석을 통한 경영전략 연구: 서울히어로즈 구단을 중심으로
김진세KimJin-se , 유한웅YooHan-yoong , 강현민KangHyun-min
55(6) 463-475, 2016
A Study on the Business Strategy of Korean Professional Baseball Team Using Financial Statements: Focused on the Seoul Heroes 국내 프로야구단의 재무제표 분석을 통한 경영전략 연구: 서울히어로즈 구단을 중심으로
김진세KimJin-se , 유한웅YooHan-yoong , 강현민KangHyun-min
The purpose of this study is to investigate the business strategy of Korean baseball teams through an analysis of financial statements. The Seoul Heroes(the Heroes) is the only professional baseball team that does not receive financial support from its parent and affiliated company. The results from the financial statements of the Seoul Heroes audited by external accounting firm from 2009 to 2015 and financial ratio analysis with four other professional teams from 2013 to 2015 are as follows. The baseball management performance of the Seoul Heroes has been continuously improved since its foundation with its financial status in good condition and overall cash flow related to baseball operations at proper levels. For its self management to take root, the Seoul Heroes first should increase its income by developing merchandising products and expanding markets on top of gate receipts, ad sales and sponsorship income etc. Second, it has to strengthen a system that discovers, nurtures best prospects and let them play in overseas leagues to cut back its players’salary spendings. Third, it needs to keep consistently generating cash assets to maintain the appropriate level of cash ratio, while seeking to contribute to stabilizing its baseball management by reducing excessive short term debt step by step.
Key Words
Korean professional baseball team, business strategy, financial statements
Effects of Music Rope-skipping Exercise on Body-Esteem Scale of PAPS in Elementary School Students with Working Parents 맞벌이 부모 가정 초등학생의 음악줄넘기 운동이 PAPS의 자기신체평가에 미치는 영향
김지연KimJee-youn , 심영제SimYoung-je
55(6) 477-485, 2016
Effects of Music Rope-skipping Exercise on Body-Esteem Scale of PAPS in Elementary School Students with Working Parents 맞벌이 부모 가정 초등학생의 음악줄넘기 운동이 PAPS의 자기신체평가에 미치는 영향
김지연KimJee-youn , 심영제SimYoung-je
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of music rope-skipping exercise on body-esteem scale of PAPS in elementary school students with working patents. The participants in this study were 67 elementary school students with working parents that were assigned to either experimental (n=27; 13 male, 14 female) with a 8 week exercise program or control group (n=40; 33 male, 7 female). For the exercise in this study, the music rope-skipping exercise performed at an intensity of RPE 10~15, 45~60 minutes of exercise time, and the frequency of 3 times a week for 8 weeks. Conclusions obtained from this study were as follows: The participation of music rope-skipping exercise brought a positive effect on the assessment of flexibility, body fat(slim), self-esteem, sports confidence, whole body(pride), physical activity, physical appearance and health of body-esteem scale in elementary school students with working parents. In contrast, the assessment of muscular strength, body fat(slim), sports confidence, whole body(pride), physical activity, physical appearance and health of body-esteem scale for the students who did not participate in the exercise were significantly lower. As a result, the music rope-skipping exercise as a physical activity would be helpful not only for the positive evaluation of their body but also for the improvement of self-confidence of growth elementary school students with working parents.
Key Words
body-esteem scale, PAPS, working parents, single parents, music rope-skipping
Philosophical approach to the interpretation of the fairness and power in sport 스포츠의 공정성과 권력의 철학적 접근과 해석
55(6) 487-496, 2016
Philosophical approach to the interpretation of the fairness and power in sport 스포츠의 공정성과 권력의 철학적 접근과 해석
This research was philosophical approach and interpret about the relationship between sports and fairness, fairness and power. Causes that prevent fair sport are wealth and honor of the victory, there is also a basic human desire to overcome the desire. We should have had a proper discussion about materialistic and spiritual values of sport before people put materialistic values on top. To need and demand fairness consistently in sport means that reality is different. In other words, it has existed generally negative situations occur that demand definition or idea about doping and Match-fixing. These situations are various that not only a desire of power in sight like wealth and honor but also unseen power like self respect or self-realization. But nowadays most people are seeking only material values. At this if this sport properly to ensure the fairness and excellence, efficiency will be improved, sport would be really growth an d development. However the real is different from the ideal. Therefore we have to study humanities that discussion and study about human for human, main agent of sport not material.
Key Words
Doping, match-fixing, fairness, power
The Educational Effect of Team Sport-Rowing class in Medical College 의과대학 의예과 팀 스포츠-조정수업의 교육적 효과
55(6) 497-507, 2016
The Educational Effect of Team Sport-Rowing class in Medical College 의과대학 의예과 팀 스포츠-조정수업의 교육적 효과
The purpose of this study was to analyze the educational effect of students through team sport rowing class of grades 1 of Medical college in H university. The subjects of this study is data obtained by in-depth interviews of 16 student that attending the first semester class team sports Year 2016. For the analysis of the collected daters, I was subjected to inductive category analysis. The results were as follows. First, it could find the lifestyle changes. they were to have a regular lifestyle through team sports rowing class. Second, exercise habits were formed. Through sports exercises 7330, Students were to exercise at least 30 minutes three times a week. Third, rowing class was effective of collective character education. A students were learned the wisdom that can go far when student play with together through team sport rowing class. Thus, Teams sport rowing class is required for developing programs that can help holistic development of medical college students.
Key Words
team sport rowing classes, Medical college, sports exercises 7330, lifestyle changes, exercise habits
Relationship among Self-efficacy and Ego Integrity and Successful Aging of Elderly participating in Physical Activity 신체활동에 참여하는 노인들의 자기효능감, 자아통합감 및 성공적 노화
김석일KimSeok-il , 오현옥OhHyun-ok
55(6) 509-520, 2016
Relationship among Self-efficacy and Ego Integrity and Successful Aging of Elderly participating in Physical Activity 신체활동에 참여하는 노인들의 자기효능감, 자아통합감 및 성공적 노화
김석일KimSeok-il , 오현옥OhHyun-ok
This study examine the relationship among self-efficacy, ego integrity and successful aging of elderly participating in physical activity. The statistical techniques, which were used for the analysis of this study, were factor analysis, correlation analysis, reliability analysis and path analysis using SPSS 21 program and AMOS 21 program. The results of this study were as follows. First, self-efficacy was positively related to life acceptance and life satisfaction among factors of ego integrity, was negatively related to life dissatisfaction. Second, self-efficacy was positively related to psychological aspect and social aspect among factors of successful aging. Third, ego integrity was not significantly related to successful aging. These results were discussed based on previous literature and theory.
This study aims to figure out what body images of male university students, who go to a fitness center, are seeking and to understand their perception and experience on protein supplement intakes to achieve the body images. For the study, 10 research participants were selected from B university fitness centers and case studies were conducted. Data were collected using in-depth interviews and qualitative data analysis of Creswell‘s(2013) was employed to analyze the data. Male university students who go to fitness centers had unsatisfactory body images of themselves, which led them to weight training. Through weight training they wanted to show off a strong and muscular look. Moreover diligence, willpower, and confidence, which were fostered by weight training, became means of self-management. On the other hand, to maximize the effects of exercise, they considered protein supplements indispensable. Furthermore, the participants thought that protein supplements were essential in bodybuilding to resemble their role model. However, some participants perceived effects of protein supplements as a placebo effect. The participants experienced side effects at the beginning of taking protein supplements. They also said that they will substitute protein supplements to natural foods later because they put health above bodybuilding.
Key Words
male university students, body image, bodybuilding, protein supplements
A Structural Relationships among Team Belonging, Team Satisfaction, Team Commitment and Exercise Adherence Intention Perceived by Members of Baseball Club 야구동호인의 팀 소속감과 팀 만족, 팀 몰입 및 운동지속의사 간의 구조관계
A Structural Relationships among Team Belonging, Team Satisfaction, Team Commitment and Exercise Adherence Intention Perceived by Members of Baseball Club 야구동호인의 팀 소속감과 팀 만족, 팀 몰입 및 운동지속의사 간의 구조관계
The purpose of this study was to present baseline data which will contribute on setting up effective long-term, continuous plan using team belonging by confirming the variables in exercise adherence intention of baseball club members. Subject of study consists of amateur baseball club members in Seoul and Gyeonggi province. Total 350 questionnaires were distributed, although except 24 questionnaires, 326 questionnaires were collected. For data analysis PASW 18.0 and AMOS 18.0 were used for demographic analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis and structure equation modeling analysis. The results are as follow. First, team belonging would have positive effect on exercise adherence intention. Second, team belonging would have positive effect on team satisfaction. Third, team belonging would have positive effect on team commitment. Fourth, team satisfaction would have positive effect on exercise adherence intention. Fifth, team commitment would have positive effect on exercise adherence intention. Sixth, team satisfaction and team commitment would have a mediating effect in the relationship between team belonging and exercise adherence intention.
Key Words
baseball club, team belonging, team satisfaction, team commitment, exercise adherence intention
SCUBA Diving Buddy Selection Process by Instructors' Perception 지도자가 지각하는 스쿠버다이빙의 버디선택 결정과정
권헌수GwonHeonsu , 임봉우LimBong-woo
55(6) 551-560, 2016
SCUBA Diving Buddy Selection Process by Instructors' Perception 지도자가 지각하는 스쿠버다이빙의 버디선택 결정과정
권헌수GwonHeonsu , 임봉우LimBong-woo
The purpose of this study was to explore how SCUBA diving instructors’ perception on their divers affects the buddy selection process in SCUBA diving clubs. For the purpose of this study, 6 people who have more than 5 year experiences and have been working as instructor in scuba diving clubs were selected as research participants. The results are as follows. First, they perceived necessity of buddy selection through awareness of importance of buddy through education and through partner perception to overcome perceived danger. Second, when selecting a buddy, they established standards according to level whether they have a rescue diver license and secured standards through new sense of value. Third, buddy selection determinants were interaction between buddies, mutual trust and realization of buddy’s role. As such, a SCUBA diver should select other buddy to perform pair diving and buddy is selected based on relationship such as mutual communication, mutual trust and belief. When they perform buddy’s role comprehensively based on mutual relationship with buddy, continuous relationship as buddies can be built.
Key Words
scuba diving, buddy selection, process
A Study on Relationship among Consumption Tendency, Brand Identification and Leisure Sports Participation Intention of Sports for all Club Participants 여가스포츠 동호인의 소비성향과 브랜드 동일시, 여가활동 참여의사와의 관계 연구
이병찬LeeByung-chan , 최영준ChoiYoung-jun
55(6) 561-569, 2016
A Study on Relationship among Consumption Tendency, Brand Identification and Leisure Sports Participation Intention of Sports for all Club Participants 여가스포츠 동호인의 소비성향과 브랜드 동일시, 여가활동 참여의사와의 관계 연구
이병찬LeeByung-chan , 최영준ChoiYoung-jun
This study is intended to verify the role of consumption tendency and brand identity for leisure sports participation intention by analyzing the consumption tendency, brand identity of sports for all club participants. In this study, set up the research model and to achieve the goal, A total of 236 questionnaires were distributed to sports for all club participants in Seoul metropolitan area. This research adopted frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability verification, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis utilizing SPSS 18.0. The results are as follows. First, functional tendency of consumption tendency effect on personal brand identity. Second, functional tendency, saving tendency, showing off tendency of consumption tendency effect on social brand identity. Third, personal and social brand identity effects on leisure sports participation intention.
Key Words
consumption tendency, brand identity, leisure sports participation intention, sports for all club participant
The Effect of face consciousness on flow experience and leisure benefit among waters leisure sports participants 수상레저스포츠 참여자의 체면의식이 몰입경험 및 여가이득에 미치는 영향
안동수AnDongSu , 김영욱KimYoungWook , 윤영선YoonYoungSun
55(6) 571-582, 2016
The Effect of face consciousness on flow experience and leisure benefit among waters leisure sports participants 수상레저스포츠 참여자의 체면의식이 몰입경험 및 여가이득에 미치는 영향
안동수AnDongSu , 김영욱KimYoungWook , 윤영선YoonYoungSun
The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of face consciousness of waters sports participants on their flow experience and leisure benefit. For the purpose of the study, 478 waters sports participants around Gyeonggi Gapyeong and Gangwon Hongcheon area were surveyed with questionnaire from May to August of 2016. Multiple regression analysis was executed to analyze the relationship between variables and following results were drawn. Firstly, self-defense factor, a subfactor of face consciousness, had significant positive effect on all the subfactors of flow experience. Secondly, a subfactor crowd belonging demand had significant positive effect on all the subfactors of leisure benefit, and personality class demand subfactor had negative relationship with leisure benefit. Lastly, attention concentration subfactor of flow experience had significant positive relationship with all the subfactors of leisure benefit except for physical benefit subfactor, and time distortion subfactor had significant positive effect on leisure benefit except for personal benefit subfactor.
Key Words
waters leisure sports, face consciousness, flow experience, leisure benefit
The Formation process of Self-management through Leisure participation for Korean national sports team players 국가대표 선수들의 여가 참여를 통한 자기 경영 형성과정
이성철LeeSung-cheol , 서광봉SuhKwang-bong
55(6) 583-593, 2016
The Formation process of Self-management through Leisure participation for Korean national sports team players 국가대표 선수들의 여가 참여를 통한 자기 경영 형성과정
이성철LeeSung-cheol , 서광봉SuhKwang-bong
The purpose of this study was to analyze process of self-management among Korean national team athletes based on their leisure experience, and suggests efficient leisure spending method for successful self-management by using grounded theory.The following conclusions were drawn from the analysis.
Firstly, process of self-management among Korean national team athletes based on leisure experience can be divided into 6 paradigms according to the grounded theory that was conducted in this study. Causal condition called ‘athletes’ leisure activity patterns’ and Context called ‘realizing needs of self-investment’ were affecting the Central phenomena called ‘creating own self-management profile.’ In spite of the Intervening condition called ‘lack of knowledge and information about leisure culture,’ Interaction called ‘efficient self-management strategy’ encouraged them to finish their own self-management manual as a result.Secondly, an efficient way for Korean national team athletes to have successful self-management process through leisure is to have positive leisure attitude. Public realization that national team athletes also need positive leisure for a rest from all the competition is needed, and the athletes also need opportunity and attention to enjoy leisure as a member of society.
Key Words
leisure participation, self-management, grounded theory, national team athletes
A study on the Effects of Motivations for Using Social Media as Recreation Activities on Engagement in Recreations and Intent of Sustaining Recreation 여가활동으로서 SNS 이용동기가 여가몰입, 여가지속의도에 미치는 영향
장성운JangSung-woon , 권순재KwonSoon-jae
55(6) 595-606, 2016
A study on the Effects of Motivations for Using Social Media as Recreation Activities on Engagement in Recreations and Intent of Sustaining Recreation 여가활동으로서 SNS 이용동기가 여가몰입, 여가지속의도에 미치는 영향
장성운JangSung-woon , 권순재KwonSoon-jae
The study used 236 cases in the area of Gwangju and Jeonnam in order to identify the effects of motivations for using social media on the engagement in recreations and the intent of sustaining recreation, and used convenience sampling as the sampling method. For data processing, exploratory factor analysis and internal consistency reliability analysis have been performed by using SPSS/PC 20.0 for Windows to simplify into common factors of survey questions. Multiple linear regression analysis has also been performed.
The results of the study showed that the motivations for using social media does not have positive effects on the engagement in recreations, while the motivations for using social media has positive effects on the intent of sustaining recreation. It is also shown that the engagement in recreations does not have positive effects on the intent of sustaining recreation.
Key Words
social media motivation, recreation activities, sustaining recreation
Phenomenological analysis of the Leisure Activities Cognitive of Sports Announcers 스포츠 아나운서들의 여가활동 인지에 관한 현상학적 분석
The purpose of this study is to analyze the leisure activities cognitive of the sports announcers. As a method, phenomenological analysis was used. A total of 3 male and 3 female sports announcers who are currently working on field are selected by snow-ball sampling. Data was collected from interviews and participant observation, With the collected data, coding and group categorization was done in order for achieving the right result from meaningful analyzing. In order to approve the adequate of this study, the peer review was done by one qualitative research specialist and two candidates of Ph.D. participation intentions of leisure activity, types of leisure activity, leisure constraints, and leisure perception were drawn as the result. Frist, release stress, self-satisfaction, and health was drawn from the leisure activity participation intention. Second, for the types of leisure activity, self-devleopment, development through sports was deducted. Third, irrugular schedule and work on weekend was drawn from the leisure constraints. Lastly, for the leisure perception, self participating leisure, continuous leisure participation, and participation effort was drawn.
Weather Environmental factors influencing of leisure physical activity; Applying a Multi-level Model 신체적 여가활동에 미치는 기상환경 요인 탐색: 다층모형 적용
조정형ChoJeong-hyung , 김영재KimYounh-jae
55(6) 615-624, 2016
Weather Environmental factors influencing of leisure physical activity; Applying a Multi-level Model 신체적 여가활동에 미치는 기상환경 요인 탐색: 다층모형 적용
조정형ChoJeong-hyung , 김영재KimYounh-jae
This study was performed to look into the factors that affect the body's recreational hwalryang a personal level and the local level. Were used for National Health Impact Survey 6th Data leisure body 4,646 patients data and the country of 121 meteorological data in the activity center for this purpose, by taking into account the hierarchical relationships between the variables using the HLM(Ver. 7.01) Conducted a multi-layer model analysis . As a result, first, as significant factors affecting physical activity in the spring a personal level was shown to sex, marriage, a weekly enemy health factors, the temperature significant factors affecting physical activity at the local level significantly It showed that on the one affected. Second, the significant factors that influence physical activity in the summer months the individual level was shown to sex, marriage, a weekly enemy health factors, the effects of the sunshine, the effect significant factors affecting physical activity at the local level It showed. Third, the significant factors affecting the level of physical activity in personal fall was shown to sex, marriage, ever-week health factors, there was no significant factors that influence physical activity at the local level.Fourth, the significant factors affecting the individual level of physical activity in winter was shown to sex, marriage, ever-week health factor, showed that sunshine on the significant factors affected areas.
Scope of Protection of Choreography Copyright utilizing the Delphi Techniques 델파이기법을 이용한 안무저작권의 보호범위
55(6) 625-641, 2016
Scope of Protection of Choreography Copyright utilizing the Delphi Techniques 델파이기법을 이용한 안무저작권의 보호범위
The purpose of this study was to establish unified standards on the scope of protection of choreographic works and to suggest methods for the protection of choreography copyright. 20 experts was selected among dance experts or copyright experts and depth interview method, Delphi method and AHP analysis were used. The result was summarized as follows : First, 50 percents of the experts thought pure dance works and popular dance works should be protected by same standard, while 45 percents of the experts suggested different standard. Second, 55 percents of the experts claimed required fixation on certain medium, while 40 percents did not claim required fixation but only expression. Requirement of originality was to independently create choreography and to reflect creative characteristic(65%). 70 percents of experts were positive on defining dance choreography as independent work, while 25 percents were negative. Elements of the choreography protection scope were in following order of importance: pattern of movement, creative and concrete plot, combination of movements and steps, and movement pattern with specific space. Third, methods for the protection of dance copyright in hierarchical classification were in following order of importance : ‘copyright education’, ‘activation of organization of dance copyright trust management’, 'choreography registration' and 'inducement of social concern. Fourth, ‘Active participation of dance copyright trust management organization’ was thought as the most important development plan. ‘Improvement of dancers’ awareness of copyright’, ‘inducement of choreography registration’, and ‘reinforcement of copyright education’ followed in order.
Key Words
Choreography copyright, protection scope of choreography copyright, Protection methods for the choreography copyright, Delphi method
The Relationships between Job Environments, Stress, and Mental Health among Professional Ballet Dancers 직업발레무용수의 직무환경과 스트레스 및 정신건강과의 관계
백영태BaikYoung-tae , 김희현KimHee-hyun
55(6) 643-659, 2016
The Relationships between Job Environments, Stress, and Mental Health among Professional Ballet Dancers 직업발레무용수의 직무환경과 스트레스 및 정신건강과의 관계
백영태BaikYoung-tae , 김희현KimHee-hyun
The purpose of present study was to investigate the gender differences in professional ballet dancers’ perceptions of job environments, stress perception, and mental health, and to examine the mediating effects of perceived stress in the relationship between job environments and mental health. A sample of 143 professional ballet dancers responded to a set of questionnaires measuring environments related with their ballet companies, stress perceptions, and mental health. Data were analyzed via descriptive statistics, correlation, one-way MANOVA, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling. The results of this study were as follows: First, there was no gender difference between male and female professional ballet dancers in the level of perceived job environments(practice environments, pay/promotion chance, social support/colleague relation, professional growth), stress perception, and mental health(depression, anxiety, somatization, fear). Second, male and female professional ballet dancers’perceptions of practice environments had a direct effect and an indirect effect on mental health via perceived stress.Third, male and female professional ballet dancers’perceptions of pay/promotion chance did not influence on mental health via perceived stress. Fourth, male and female professional ballet dancers’perceptions of social support/colleague relation did not influence on mental health via perceived stress. Findings suggest that professional ballet dancers should acquire coping skills and strategies in order that they can be able to enhance physical and mental health.
Key Words
professional ballet dancers, job environments, perceived stress, mental health
Exploration of the Dance Career Intervention by AHP Method: Focusing on Vocational Guidance, Career Education and Career Counseling AHP분석을 활용한 무용진로개입의 체계적 접근 방안: 직업지도, 진로교육 및 상담을 중심으로
김지영JiYoungKim , 임수진SuJinLim , 김형남HyoungNamKim
55(6) 661-676, 2016
Exploration of the Dance Career Intervention by AHP Method: Focusing on Vocational Guidance, Career Education and Career Counseling AHP분석을 활용한 무용진로개입의 체계적 접근 방안: 직업지도, 진로교육 및 상담을 중심으로
김지영JiYoungKim , 임수진SuJinLim , 김형남HyoungNamKim
The purpose of this study is to draw a systematic access method of career intervention for dance majors. This study conducted Delphi survey and Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP). As a result of study, 16 elements of career intervention were produced in total 4 areas. Results show that vocational guidance puts emphasis on the understanding of the various vocations, career education on the career planning and goal, career counseling on the macro-narrative to the life and career intervention network on the dance job fair and workshop. In the complex weight of all factors, ratings of weight show that dance vocation guidance and career education are demanded significantly. Results show that expansion of career alternatives, application of diversified dance career development road map to the curriculum, development of test tool and outcome standard, dance educators‘ systematic career intervention education and systematization of network for career support were suggested as measures for dance career intervention. This study discussed about dynamic reality and systematic access method for dance majors based on theories of Holland(1997), Super(1990), and Savickas(2005).
Key Words
dance career intervention, vocational guidance, career education, career counseling, AHP
Elite Athlete Development Plan through the Developmental Model of Sport Participation in the South Korea Sport System 엘리트선수 발달과정 및 기반구축방안의 제시: Developmental Model of Sport Participation 프레임워크 중심으로
Elite Athlete Development Plan through the Developmental Model of Sport Participation in the South Korea Sport System 엘리트선수 발달과정 및 기반구축방안의 제시: Developmental Model of Sport Participation 프레임워크 중심으로
Recent integration of South Korea’s sport organizations aims to enhance health and welfare among all people on the basis of the concept, Sport for All. Nonetheless, elite athlete development remains as a high priority area in the county and the focus on elite athlete development should not be reduced due to the introduction of Sport for All. This paper sought to discuss the theoretical background and concept of the Development Model of Sport Participation (DMSP), discuss the applicability of the DMSP framework to the newly integrated sport system, and provide pragmatic strategies for elite athlete development in South Korea. The DMSP, first introduced by Jean Côte and his colleagues (2007), is a model of athlete development throughout childhood and adolescence based on theoretical and empirical scientific evidence which describes the processes, pathways, and outcomes in relations to high performance athlete development. The DMSP model provides appropriate training methods by proportionally planning deliberate play and deliberate practice according to ages and stages, and provides alternative ways, other than traditional early specialization, to become elite athletes or life-long recreational sport participants. The DMSP model is expected to play vital roles in improving discovery and fosterage of young elite athletes, and setting student athletes up for success in or out of their sport. Adopting the DMSP model may also lead to mass participation in sports which will contribute to having large sample for elite athlete development.
Key Words
Elite athlete, developmental model of sport participation, korean athlete development model, youth sport
The effects of long term endurance or resistance exercise training on anabolic and catabolic pathway in skeletal muscle of middle-aged rats 장기간의 지구성 운동 또는 저항성 운동이 중년 흰쥐의 골격근 내 단백질 동화 및 이화기전에 미치는 영향
정수련JungSu-ryun , 김기진KimKi-jin , 고진호KhoJin-ho
55(6) 691-700, 2016
The effects of long term endurance or resistance exercise training on anabolic and catabolic pathway in skeletal muscle of middle-aged rats 장기간의 지구성 운동 또는 저항성 운동이 중년 흰쥐의 골격근 내 단백질 동화 및 이화기전에 미치는 영향
정수련JungSu-ryun , 김기진KimKi-jin , 고진호KhoJin-ho
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of long-term endurance exercise or resistance exercise training on muscle anabolic/catabolic pathway. 50wks-old male Wistar rats(n=30) were randomly assigned for 3 groups (sedentary, endurance exercise, resistance exercise group). After 12-week of training, plantaris muscles were dissect to measure protein level. Akt/mTOR signal-related proteins were significantly increased only after resistance exercise training, but catabolic signal-related proteins, FoxO1 and MuRF1, were significantly decreased after resistance and endurance exercise training. After endurance exercise training, AMPK and PGC-1αprotein levels were significantly increased. Therefore, the endurance exercise training has been shown to affect the protein balance of aging muscle through inhibition of muscle protein catabolism. The present results suggest the possibility that not only resistance exercise but also endurance exercise will be affectable to keep or increase muscle volume and capacity of middle-aged people.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of twelve weeks training method on physical strength, plantar pressure and golf performance of golf beginners, and the research was conducted with 33 male students in physical education department in S university. The research divided the students into three groups: complex training group, resistance training group and golf training group. Each group was assigned with specific training and training time: for complex training group, 45 minutes of golf training and 45 minutes of complex training; for resistance training group, 45 minutes of golf training and 45 minutes of weight training; for golf training group, two times of 45 minutes of golf training. The training schedule was followed two times per week, 100 minutes per training including 10 minutes of resting time for total 12 weeks. Two-way ANOVA(3RM×2RM) was used for data analysis and contrast test (p< .05) was used for difference test. As a result of comparison between pre-test and post-test, the following conclusion was obtained: first, after conducting the training, complex training was revealed to be the most effective training method in terms of muscular strength and muscular endurance, and in terms of push-up and sit-up, the order was shown to be golf training > resistance training, resistance training> golf training respectively. For flexibility, complex training was revealed to be the most effective method and in terms of forward bending of upper body and back bending of upper body, the order was shown to be resistance training> golf training and golf training> resistance training respectively. For total physical response, the order was shown to be complex training> resistance training> golf training. Second, in terms of net pressure of left leg and right leg, the order was shown to be complex training> golf training> resistance training. Third, after conducting the training, the driving distance and head speed were shown in the order of complex training> resistance training> golf training, and left, right deviation was shown in the order of complex training> golf training> resistance training. As a result, complex training was revealed to be the most effective training method on physical strength, plantar pressure and golf performance. Therefore, if training can be conducted on the basis of complex training to enhance physical strength, plantar pressure and golf performance, the training is expected to help in enhancing effective golf performance and golf coaching.
Comparison of Physical Fitness, Blood Lipid, Inflammation Marker, and Cardiovascular Function between Normal and Impaired Fasting Glucose in Elderly Women 공복혈당장애와 정상 노인 여성의 체력, 혈중 지질, 염증 지표 및 심혈관기능의 비교 분석
Comparison of Physical Fitness, Blood Lipid, Inflammation Marker, and Cardiovascular Function between Normal and Impaired Fasting Glucose in Elderly Women 공복혈당장애와 정상 노인 여성의 체력, 혈중 지질, 염증 지표 및 심혈관기능의 비교 분석
This study was designed to compare physical fitness, blood lipid profiles, inflammation marker, and cardiovascular function between 14 impaired fasting glucose (IFG) and 14 normal fasting glucose (NFG) in elderly women. Daily living physical fitness for senior, VO2max, blood lipids, hs-CRP, cardiovascular function were compared between IFG group and NFG group. Vascular endothelial function measured by % flow-mediated dilation(FMD). Main results of the present study were as follows: 1) Arm curl in IFG group was significantly lower than NFG group. Grip strength, 5 time chair stand, 3m tendem, and walking around two cones in a figure 8 in IFG group tended to be worse than NFG group. 2) There were no significant differences in blood lipids (TC, TG, HDL-C, LDL-C), arterial stiffness indices, inflammatory marker, and cardiovascular function(HR, SV, CO, SBP, DBP, MAP, PP, RPP) between IFG group and NFG group. 3) % FMD in IFG group was significantly lower than NFG group. It was concluded that IFG showed reduction of physical function and vascular function a well as metabolic dysfunction.
Effects of Habitual Exercise on Arterial - Pulse Wave Delay Time 생활 습관적 운동이 동맥 - 맥파 지연시간에 미치는 영향
55(6) 727-732, 2016
Effects of Habitual Exercise on Arterial - Pulse Wave Delay Time 생활 습관적 운동이 동맥 - 맥파 지연시간에 미치는 영향
This study is to investigate how exercises such as climbing, bicycle, walking, jogging, badminton, swimming, aerobic dance, table tennis, weight lifting, yoga, and dance sport that have been actively performed and could observe negative reaction of blood vessel system, targeting middle - aged ordinary people affect blood circulating system. Participants of the study were males and females between 30 and 40 and there were two groups, 687 people of exercising group and 306 of non - exercising group. Exercising group was the group in which people regularly exercised more than an hour and three times a week for more than five years, and non - exercising group was the group in which people did not regularly exercise. Vascular compliance was analyzed by measuring arterial pulse wave delay time of both group of people's right and left arms, and right and left feet.It has been shown that vascular compliance of exercising group was higher than non - exercising group as arterial pulse wave delay time of right and left arms, and right and left feet of people in exercising group was significantly increased(p < .001). This result of the study indicates that blood vascular system diseases at middle and old ages are expected to decrease remarkably and habitual exercise from young age is appeared to be vital.
Key Words
Habitual Exercise, Arterial - Pulse Wave Delay Time, Vascular Compliance
Effects of Exercise on FGF-FGFR Pathway at the Hippocampus in MK-801-induced Schizophrenic Rats 운동이 MK-801을 통한 정신분열증 유도 쥐의 해마에서 FGF-FGFR 신호체계에 미치는 효과
박준기ParkJoon-ki , 이삼준LeeSam-jun
55(6) 733-740, 2016
Effects of Exercise on FGF-FGFR Pathway at the Hippocampus in MK-801-induced Schizophrenic Rats 운동이 MK-801을 통한 정신분열증 유도 쥐의 해마에서 FGF-FGFR 신호체계에 미치는 효과
박준기ParkJoon-ki , 이삼준LeeSam-jun
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of treadmill exercise on FGF-FGFR pathway included Ras/MAPK in hippocampus of schizophrenic rat induced by MK-801. Thirty two male SD rats were divided into four groups: Saline/Control(Con, n=8); MK-801/Control(MK, n=8); MK-801/Low-intensity exercise(ML, n=8); MK-801/ High-intensity exercise(MH, n=8). After environmental adaptation for 2 weeks, schizophrenia was induced by MK-801 (once a day for 2 weeks, 0.2mg/kg, diluted saline for 1.0ml/kg, i.p. injection). Rats were subjected to treadmill exercise for 5days a week over 4 weeks, and the speed of the treadmill was gradually increased (ML: 5m/min(5min), 8m/min(5min), 11m/min (20min), MH: 8m/min(5min), 11m/min(5min), 22m/min(20min)). As a results, significant decreases of FGF-2, FGFR-1, Ras, and pMAPK expression were observed in hippocampus of MK group(p<.001), but significantly improved in ML group compared with MK group. These results show that low-intensity treadmill exercise may be more effective method than high- intensity to improve FGF-F*GFR pathway included to Ras-MAPK in hippocampus of schizophrenic rats.
Effects of Exercise and Massage on Vascular Compliance 운동과 마사지가 혈관탄성에 미치는 효과
55(6) 741-747, 2016
Effects of Exercise and Massage on Vascular Compliance 운동과 마사지가 혈관탄성에 미치는 효과
In this study, 40 of males aged between 30 and 40 were equally divided into two groups, one of the groups exercised and the other group received a massage for 12 weeks. The exercising group worked out on the treadmill for 40 minutes and three times a week at the degree of HRmax 60~70%, The massage group received massages combined with Thai and Tuina massages for 40 minutes and three times a week from qualified masseurs. In order to analyze the data of vascular compliance, experimental variable of this study, the data was analyzed through Two-way repeated ANOVA and statistical level was verified at the level of p <.05. The result of experiment of exercising and massage groups for 12 weeks are as follows: When measuring vascular compliance of the participants' right and left hands in both groups, more noticeable increase in vascular compliance was shown in exercising group and between-group, before and after the experiment, and a result of interaction of between-group and before and after the experiment were remarkable. Thus, both exercise and massage had a positive effect on vascular compliance, however, this study has shown that implementation of exercise has a much greater effect on vascular compliance than massage.
Key Words
Eercise, Massage, Vascular Compliance
A Study of the Stability on Standing posture of Single leg in Yoga practicing 요가 수련을 통한 한발서기 자세의 안정화 연구
유실YooSil , 홍수연HongSu-yeon , 유선식YooSun-sik
55(6) 749-757, 2016
A Study of the Stability on Standing posture of Single leg in Yoga practicing 요가 수련을 통한 한발서기 자세의 안정화 연구
유실YooSil , 홍수연HongSu-yeon , 유선식YooSun-sik
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of stability on one leg standing posture in yoga practice. Thirteen women college student who have never done yoga participated in this study. In order to collect data before and after yoga practicing for two years, we were used 3D motion capture system and electromyography. The results were as follows. First, ranges of motions for Y axis of left knee joint and X axis of right ankle joint were significantly different in dancer posture(p<.05), and then X axis of right ankle and Y axis of left ankle joint were significantly different in tree posture of pre and post training. Second, the planar alignment angle of trunk-pelvis was not significant difference in dancer and tree posture. Third, CoM-distances of Y, Z directions were significant difference in the tree posture(p<.05). Fourth, Muscle activities of both rectus abdominis, erector spinae and left quadriceps were significant difference in tree posture(p<.05). These findings suggested that yoga training played important roles in stable postures as results of decreasing rotation ankle joint and movement of CoM and enforcing core muscles. This study provides evidence for effectiveness of the stability on standing posture and can get a great effect on posture correction by means of yoga training.Hereafter, study on alignment angle, which is a measurement of postural stabilization will be needed by future yoga training.
Key Words
Yoga, Muscle activity, Single leg Posture, Stabilizing, Range of motion
Correlation between core stability and change of direction of youth soccer palyers 유소년 축구 선수들의 코어 안정성과 방향 전환 동작과의 상관 관계
Core stability is essential in order to effective changes of direction in the sports. The purpose of this research is define the relationship between core stability aming two nd kinetic variables in changes of direction. For the present study, 16 youth soccer players made 90° change of direction after performing two core stability motions(bridge, plank). The recorded data was analyzed by Cortex 3.6 of Motion analysis and findings are as follows;Core stability through the bridge motion had coefficient correlation with trunk tilt angle and trunk rotation angle, hip flexion angle, and turnaround time in deceleration phase. Also, core stability through the plank motion had coefficient correlation with trunk tilt angle and trunk rotation angle, hip flexion angle, trunk tilt moment, turnaround time in deceleration phase and hip inter-rotation angle, hip abduction moment, and hip flexion moment in re-acceleration phase.
Key Words
Change of direction, Core, Core stability
Kinematic Comparisons among the Level of Acquired Points in Yurchenko 360° Stretched Twist Vault Technique in Female Gymnastic 획득점수 수준에 따른 여자 도마 유리첸코 몸펴 360° 비틀기 기술의 운동학적 차이 분석
박철희Cheol-heePark , 김영관Young-kwanKim
55(6) 771-781, 2016
Kinematic Comparisons among the Level of Acquired Points in Yurchenko 360° Stretched Twist Vault Technique in Female Gymnastic 획득점수 수준에 따른 여자 도마 유리첸코 몸펴 360° 비틀기 기술의 운동학적 차이 분석
박철희Cheol-heePark , 김영관Young-kwanKim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the kinematic difference according to the level of acuired points in female horse competition in gymnastics. Twenty-two participants’(age: 18.6±3.6 years, height: 153.0±6.5 cm, mass: 44.7±7.3 years) video data and acquired points by judges in national championship game were collected by the help of 4 video cameras and analyzed by manual digitizing and calculation of kinematic variables after filtering process. Results demonstrated that the high-scored group showed shorter phase time and shorter displacement of center of mass during horse-contact phase than the lower-scored group. In addition, the high-scored group demonstrated slower twist angular velocity and lower take-off angle at the moment of horse take-off. In landing phase, the high-scored group increased knee angle and pelvic angle to make stable landing. Conclusively, athletes need to have strong horse blocking with a shorter contact time in order to acquire high vertical height and resultant linear velocity of center of mass during the second flight and the higher knee angle is the one of key factor to obtain high acquired points.
Key Words
Yurchenko, kinematics, female gymnastics, vault
Comparative Study of the Kinetics by Hip-Pelvis-Spine Complex Movements during the Level and Slope Running 평지와 경사도 달리기 시 Hip-Pelvis-Spine 복합운동의 운동역학적 비교연구
유경석YooKyoung-seok , 류지선RyuJi-seon
55(6) 783-791, 2016
Comparative Study of the Kinetics by Hip-Pelvis-Spine Complex Movements during the Level and Slope Running 평지와 경사도 달리기 시 Hip-Pelvis-Spine 복합운동의 운동역학적 비교연구
유경석YooKyoung-seok , 류지선RyuJi-seon
The purpose of this study was to investigate the torque of upper body(seven-segment spine model) and the lower body during level running(LR) and slope running(SR). The study interpreted based on the joint moment in the complex movements of spine-pelvis-hip calculated with Lagrange’s Method. College students(n=6) with able-bodied adults were selected as research participants. The Motion Capture system (Qualysis) with instrumented treadmill(Bertec) and MatLab(Mathworks, USA) had been used. The statistical method used the paired t-test (LR and SR), and Correlation (the upper body and lower body). The data was processed at a significance level of p<.05. As a result there were significant difference between LR and SR(t=-3.868, p<0.05). It showed a high (-)negative correlation(t=-.937, p<0.05) on the upper of lumbar spine(SP5) during SR. From the above results, we conclude that these results can be re-verification both the hip joint of lower limb and the upper body (pelvis & spine multi-segments) that are associated with closely each other, and it was confirmed that the increased power of hip joint affects the complex movements of spine-pelvis-hip exercise.
Key Words
level and slop running, core exercise, hip-pelvis-spine movement
Correlation between performance evaluation factors and joint motion of the handstand on rings in gymnasts 기계체조 링 물구나무서기 동작의 경기력 평가 요인과 관절움직임의 상관관계분석
The purpose of this research was to investigate correlation between evaluation factors and joint motion of the handstand on rings in order to offer quantitative data for enhancement in gymnasts. Ten gymnasts(age: 21.6±07, height: 169.9±4.8 cm, weight: 65.4±5.6 kg, career: 11.7±1.6 years) participated and perform the handstand on the ring for two seconds. the handstand performance was measured by eight infrared cameras. Then, collected data was analysed in Correlation Analysis program. In result, there were some of significant correlations in this study. The ring perturbation was significantly correlated with hip joint asymmetry(r=.661, p=.019). Additionally, the toe perturbation was significantly correlated with hip joint ROM (r=.812, p=.004). And, the COM perturbation was significantly correlated with hip joint asymmetry(r=.800, p=.003). According to those results, when the gymnasts perform the handstand on the ring, it could be important to try not to move their hip joints for reduction the perturbations and make their asymmetry equally between left and right.
Study on the Analysis of National Paralympics by Utilizing Social Big Data Text Mining 소셜 빅데이터 텍스트 마이닝을 활용한 전국장애인체육대회 분석 연구
김대경KimDaeKyung , 이현수LeeHyunSu
55(6) 801-810, 2016
Study on the Analysis of National Paralympics by Utilizing Social Big Data Text Mining 소셜 빅데이터 텍스트 마이닝을 활용한 전국장애인체육대회 분석 연구
김대경KimDaeKyung , 이현수LeeHyunSu
The purpose of the study was to conduct a text mining examining keywords related to the National Paralympics and provide the fundamental information that would be used to change perception of people without disabilities toward disabilities and to promote the social participation of people with and without disabilities in the National Paralympics. Social big data regarding the National Paralympics were retrieved from news articles and blog postings identified by search engines, Naver, Daum, and Google. The data were then analysed using R-3.3.1 Version Program. The analysing techniques were cloud analysis, correlation analysis and social network analysis. The results were as follows. First, news were mainly related to game results, sports events, team participation and host avenue of the 33rd ~ 36th National Paralympics. Second, search results about the 33rd ~ 36th National Paralympics between Naver, Daum, and Google were similar to one another. Thirds, the keywrods, National Paralympics, sports for the disabled, and sports, demonstrated a high close centrality. Further, degree centrality and betweenness centrality were associated in the keywords such as sports for all, participation, research, development, sports-disabled, research-disabled, sports for all-participation, disabled-participation, sports for all-disabled, and host-paralympics.
Key Words
Social Big Data, Text Mining, National Paralympics
Comparison on Future Special Education Teachers’Awareness of the Value of Physical Activity 예비 특수교육교사의 체육활동가치에 대한 인식 비교
심태영SimTae-young , 박기용ParkKi-yong
55(6) 811-821, 2016
Comparison on Future Special Education Teachers’Awareness of the Value of Physical Activity 예비 특수교육교사의 체육활동가치에 대한 인식 비교
심태영SimTae-young , 박기용ParkKi-yong
The purpose of this study was to examine special education teachers’ awareness of the value of physical activity. This author selected as its subjects undergraduate and graduate students majoring in special education or special physical education in A City or B Province, and 443 questionnaire sheets were actually used for the research. Only valid samples from the collected data went through coding, and SPSS 23.0 was used for the analysis. About data on the value of physical activity, the independent t-test and one-way ANOVA were conducted for each group. The findings of this study are as follows: regarding future special education teachers’ awareness of the value of physical activity, in terms of sex, males are more highly aware of cognitive value and social value than females, and in terms of their grade, first graders are aware of it more than second graders. Also, in terms of the type of a teacher’s license they are hoping to get, cognitive value is recognized more by those majoring in special physical education than those majoring in special education (early childhood) or special education (elementary) and also by those majoring in special education (secondary) than those majoring in special education (elementary). Also, social value and physical value are recognized more than those majoring in special education (secondary) or special physical education than those majoring in special education (early childhood) or special education (elementary). Concerning whether they have experience in teaching the subjects of special education, those having the experience recognize cognitive value, social value, or physical value more than those not. Regarding whether they have taken the courses related with special physical education, those having taken them recognize cognitive value and social value more than those not.
Key Words
future special education teachers, value of physical activity
A meta-analysis on a Comparison of Object-Control Skill of Children with and without Developmental Disabilities by Physical Activity Interventions 신체활동이 발달장애학생과 비 장애학생의 물체조작능력에 미치는 효과 비교 : 메타분석
이태희LeeTae-hee , 한범석HanByum-suk , 전혜자ChoiHyug-jae
55(6) 823-834, 2016
A meta-analysis on a Comparison of Object-Control Skill of Children with and without Developmental Disabilities by Physical Activity Interventions 신체활동이 발달장애학생과 비 장애학생의 물체조작능력에 미치는 효과 비교 : 메타분석
이태희LeeTae-hee , 한범석HanByum-suk , 전혜자ChoiHyug-jae
The objective of study was to determine improvement in object-control skill and the effectiveness of physical activity interventions in children. Method of this study indicates that date range was specified from 2003 to June 2016. The data from 31 studies with 858 children(444 with Developmental disabilities, 414 without disabilities) were analyzed by CMA3. The following databases were reviewed to include gender, age, type of Developmental disabilities, duration of physical activity intervention, two-hand strike, stationary bounce, catch, kick, overhand throw, underhand roll. For sensitivity analysis, publication bias and outlier were reviewed. Results indicate that the overall effect size was 1.204. For children with Developmental disabilities, Down syndrome, 7~9aged, 100~120minutes per session, 5sessions per week, 15~19weeks, two-hand strike, catch, underhand roll were large effect size. For without disabilities , 4~6aged, under 40minutes per session, 3~4sessions per week, 10~14weeks, kick, two-hand strike, stationary bounce were large effect size. In conclusion, physical activity interventions are 39% more effective in improving object-control skill.
The purpose of this study was to examine how the sports instructors for the disabled recognize coach expertism, and to comprehend, through an analysis of the concept map, the factors to improve coach expertism necessary for instructing participants in disabled sports. In order to investigate knowledge about coach expertism of 40 sports instructors for the disabled who were affiliated with the Sports Association for the Disabled in Seoul, Incheon, Chungcheongnam-do, and Chungcheongbuk-do, this study made use of the analysis of the concept map that was conceived by Novak & Gowin (1984) and examined the knowledge system concerning the thoughts and opinions that the sports instructors for the disabled had from their direct experience in the field of instruction. The result of this study showed that the concept map concerning professionalism in instruction of the sports instructors for the disabled indicates that they put the greatest emphasis on knowledge; however, as the instructors have more experience of instruction in the field, they understand the special characteristics of physical education for the disabled and put more emphasis on performance.
Key Words
Concept Map, Coach Expertism, Professionalism, Disability Sports Instructor, the Disabled
Effect of Red and Infrared LED Light Therapy on Abdominal Fat Reduction 적색 및 근적외선 LED 광선 치료에 의한 복부 지방 감소 효과
55(6) 847-855, 2016
Effect of Red and Infrared LED Light Therapy on Abdominal Fat Reduction 적색 및 근적외선 LED 광선 치료에 의한 복부 지방 감소 효과
Recently, many researches have been conducted on low level light therapy (LLLT) using light from LED or Laser as a noninvasive method for reducing abdominal fat. A total of 40 subjects were randomly divided into 20 test groups and 20 control groups for abdominal fat reduction test. Red and near infrared light (10 mW/cm2) generated from LEDs was applied on abdominal area to the test group for 30 minutes followed by 30 minutes of aerobic exercise, 3 times a week for 4 weeks. Control group did 30 minutes of aerobic exercise without LLLT application. The waist circumference and body weight were measured for comparison between the test group and control group. The waist circumference of the test group decreased by 0.34±2.71 cm and the waist circumference of the control group increased by 0.36±1.71 cm on average. In addition, the weight of the test group decreased by 0.35±0.93 Kg, and the weight of the control group increased by 0.23±1.28 Kg. Noninvasive LLLT was found effective and safe for abdominal fat reduction without any side effects.